Don’t just Do It Yourself, Do It With Others!
DIWO (Do It With Others) is a distributed campaign for emancipatory, networked art practices instigated by Furtherfield in 2006. Extending the DIY Do-It-Yourself ethos of early net art, punk & Situationism, towards a more collaborative approach, DIWO uses the Internet as an experimental artistic medium and distribution system to explore radical forms of openness and foment critical grass-roots creativity.
‘It’s DIWO if it…
Extract from the Furtherfield DIWO resource
2006, DIWO – Do It With Others defined on Rosalind – Upstart New Media Art Lexicon
Selected Exhibitions and Festivals
2007, DIWO – Do It With Others E-Mail-Art – open call to the email list Netbehaviour, open curation and exhibition at [HTTP] (now Furtherfield) Gallery.
2009-10 DIWO- Do It With Others at the Dark Mountain – provocation and open call to the email list Netbehaviour, open curation, exhibition, and disassembly event at [HTTP] (now Furtherfield) Gallery
2012, DIWO – Pixelache Festival, Helsinki, Finland
2014 DIWO CLICK Festival, Helsingør, Denmark
Collection of DIWO Essays available at the Furtherfield DIWO resource