Telematic performance with 6 performers
Annie Abrahams – in Amsterdam (NIMk) speaking only Dutch
Ruth Catlow – in London speaking only English
Paolo Cirio – in London speaking only Italian
Ursula Endlicher – in New York speaking only German
Nicolas Frespech – in Montélimar speaking only French
Igor Stromajer – in Hamburg speaking only Slovenian
May 29th 2010 8.30 pm
Netherlands Media Art Institute
Keizersgracht 264
1016 EV Amsterdam
Part of the Performmikka Internettikka event curated by Petra Heck
6 Net artists used an interface in which they shared “from their isolated positions scattered in space each in front of their webcam, a combined image- and soundspace of expression and responsibility, a playground, a laboratory.”
They challenged one another into collective actions.
“What will happen when they will only use their mother tongue and code to communicate?”
“What can we do together and why should we? What is left of communication when we don’t share a common language to use while technological means create supplementary distortions? How to construct unity where there is none besides a mutual interest in art and the Internet? How, in front of an interface where you can see yourself all the time ,to be more attentive to the others than to your own actions? How to both overcome and respect our differences?
Igor wasn’t understood by anyone. He understood us all.
Ruth was understood by all, but didn’t understand any one of the others.
Nicolas was understood by Annie, Ursula and Igor. He only understood Ruth.
Usula was understood by Annie and Igor. She understood all but Igor.
Annie was understood by Igor and Ursula. She understood Nicolas, Ruth and Ursula.”