The Artworld DAO Think Tank* is a 52 hour immersive event, employing uncanny working methods, technical talk and political discussion to create pathways to collective arts production, tools, capacities, resources, resistance and solidarity.
The intensive commodification of art over the last five decades has been accompanied by the hyper-individualization and beggering of artists on the ground in even the world’s wealthiest countries. Decentralised Autonomous Organisations (DAOs) now allow people to exchange economic value, to pool resources and form joint-ventures, without control from the centre; to enjoy the benefits (or otherwise) of the shared activity in the future. DAOs provide both the technical underpinnings and the context for reimagining a full re-constellation of stakeholders for radical imagination and other possible art worlds.
Additionally because artworlds can provide timespaces for practical philosophy and creative play with everyday rules, behaviours and structures they have the potential to inject (into an over-mechanised technical space) radical imagination that produces new ways of being, feeling and knowing for collectives of people.
“We believe that by engaging with these spaces collectively we will strengthen and build quicker and better models for the future DAOs and hopefully make them a reality for all.” Ruth Catlow and Penny Rafferty
* The first Artworld DAO Think Tank was made possible with funding by Furtherfield/DECAL and Serpentine Galleries