where in mythology are there stories of collective endeavour that turn out well?

Category : blogging · by Oct 15th, 2014

Train to London – through Westcliff

A golden bright morning

I remember I can make a decision

…decisions and the way we make them…

I remember because I have made this decision before

I can’t remember how well it stuck before

it is a choice

it requires me to let go a little of stories, reasons, anxieties, rightness, justification

in order to travel the beam of light, the golden current

life invites me

my 16 bits of consciousness are too narrow to carry counter conversations

the still waters

the coordinated flights of flocks of birds across the sands

the man in the seat in front from a victorian gothic novel

it’s not only to attend to the gold, to the feelings of elation but also to just what is


I have to write my public statement for the Web We Want

I am terrified

by the responsibility

that I will speak from the wrong part of myself with strangulated voice

rather than in polyphonic mode


there are oddnesses

to invite people to join me is to invite people to invest their energy and time in something for me

What is the story of the making of the web

is it the making of Babylon (for which we will all be punished)

where in mythology are there stories of collective endeavour that turn out well?